How Do I Get Started?

It’s easy.

We’ve worked with dozens of Activity Professionals over the last several years to make the software very easy to set up and use. You don’t need to be a techie to use ProActivity Reports – you just need basic computer skills.
And if you need any help, we’ll walk you through it.
All you need to do is

  1. Get the 60-day free trial software
  2. Explore the system
  3. Load your starting information

    We know you’re busy. We also know that ProActivity Reports will not only help you run your department more professionally – it will also save you time. Getting started now will pay off quickly.
    To help you find time, we’ve broken the start-up process into a few easy-to-accomplish steps:

    1. Get the 60-Day Free Trial Software

    The first step is to get the Free Trial software. You can either download it from the Internet right now, or you can contact us and we’ll be happy to mail you a starter CD. To get your copy of the free trial, please click here.

    2. Explore the System

    In this step, you’ll tell ProActivity Reports to automatically install itself on your computer and then explore what it can do for you by using the built-in Training System. Once you’ve gotten the free trial, please click here.

    3. Load Your Starting Information

    ProActivity Reports can track a lot of different kinds of useful information about your residents and activities – but you don’t need to enter it all in the beginning to get started. For help on getting started with your own information, please click here.

    And remember: for free and friendly technical support, please feel free to contact us. We’re always glad to help.